My sincere apologies to the followers for not being able to write for February (even though I know they wont have missed me ! ). Well, to be honest, didn’t find anything good enough to write about. I mean who will write about Measles and its symptoms and its after effects Yes, that’s right. I was suffering from Measles (only) last month and now I have a nose that will never stop running till eternity.
Election fever is in full throttle mode so is the sixth semester at college. The newspapers and magazines are full of ful page advertisements which boast of never met targets achieved by both, the ones in the government and those who aspire to be in it. Still, I managed to bunk lectures and pay a visit to the cinema hall for a very rare movie. As it has happened in the past, it was an absolute delight to watch this movie.
Gulaal. This Anurag Kashyap movie is about politics and just politics. It took seven years for him to realize his dream project and I think he did a fair job.
A story of student politics and bitches it involves. A story of a secret plot to restore the Royal Rajputs. A story of characters casted perfectly by AK. Immaculate Detailing in every shot. One of the best scenes is when Dobrial answers the guy at Pan shop without saying anything. Good Job Anurag. I think the film wont have been the same without Piyush Mishra’s music and the witty and more contemporary politically satirical lyrics. “Bina baat ke
The satire continues when AK names liquors as Democracy, Republic, and Constitution etc. Kashyap defies all the laws of film making or rather writes his own set. It won’t be wrong to christen him as the Quentin Tarantino of Indian Cinema. Special thanks to AK for making us believe that teachers as pretty (understatement) as Jesse Randhawa do teach in colleges! To sum up – A more than worthy of your money, the same as I like my movies to be. From beginning you are aware of the Machiavellian plot in the movie but your failure to identify the Machiavelli is what makes you glued to your seat. Anyways it has inspired me to install a PCO phone in my room as well and get a neon light written 69 installed !Timely gaalis and Withdarawals is also what you learn from the movie.